Options listed are in stock, shipped 1-3 days from purchase pending availability and credit verification. Once your order is shipped, we estimate you will receive your order within 5-7 business days of its ship date. Shipping times may vary, but rest assured we work our hardest to get you your order as quickly as possible. Please note that international shipments will arrive 2-3 days later than normal. We reserve the right to cancel orders due to shipping restrictions in place worldwide. Customer service will notify you if this cancellation occurs. Shipping costs are nonrefundable. Dennstedt is not responsible for packages once they have been scanned and delivered.
Once an order is placed, it cannot be modified or canceled. However feel free to email at melaniadenns@gmail.com and one of our representatives will do their best to accommodate your change. Changes will be accommodated only for orders if wrong style, wrong color, or wrong size was placed.
The product is shipped using FedEx, UPS or DHL. Signature confirmation may not apply outside Mexico.
Because of the nature of production of all Dennstedt Garments, we do not accept order cancellations or returns. Special exchanges will not be processed unless they go though our Returns Manager, please reach out to us at melaniadenns@gmail.com. We only accept special exchanges on domestic orders.
International orders are final sale only and may not be returned or exchanged. Dennstedt is not responsible for international shipments lost in transit.
Any merchandise must be returned in the same condition in which it was shipped to receive a special refund or exchange.
Please note, original and return shipping fees will not be credited back upon return.
Please make sure your items are returned new, unused and with all garment tags still attached. Returns that do not meet our policy will not be accepted.
Please allow up to 7 business days for your exchange to be processed. You will receive a confirmation by e-mail when your return or exchange is complete.
No price adjustments for prior purchases.
All orders placed during online sales and promotional periods are final. No refunds or exchanges are allowed.
Prices displayed on our website do not include taxes and duties.